Caretos AirShow 2023

Caretos AirShow 2023

As in previous editions, the 2023 edition of the Caretos Air Show was once again organized by the Aero Clube de Bragança and held at the Bragança Airfield. It was attended by several aircraft from the Iberian Peninsula, which are once again passing through this part of Trás-os-Montes. In addition, the Portuguese Air Force was present at the event, with a C-295M carrying out several fights for charity and children and opening the afternoon's displays with two F-16s. Several national and Spanish aircraft and pilots took part in the displays, including Portuguese pilot Luis Garção at the controls of an Extra EA 300LT, Spanish pilot Ramón Alonso at the controls of a Sukhoi Su-31, the "YAKSTARS" aerobatic patrol and the only flying model of the HA-220 Super Saeta jet.

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